Reasons You Must Include Photography in Your Marketing Plan
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Thursday, January 06, 2022
By Kelly Johnson Photography
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As an entrepreneur, or business owner, you want your business to reach as many people as possible. So, how do you create a marketing plan that will WOW your target audience and leave your competitors far in the distance? Do you simply throw a bunch of random things together? Or do you take the time to create a brand strategy and include brand photography inspiration? I always vote for the latter, because personal images will bring your business to life!

Reasons You Must Include Photography in Your Marketing Plan

1.  Shows there is a Person Behind the Business 

 In many businesses, customers and clients barely know who is running the business. They wouldn't know who the CEO was if they ran into them (literally) on the street! If you want to make your business stand out, you must make sure your target audience knows the person who is behind your business. The best way to do this is via personal branding photography and even headshots.


2. Build a Relationship with Your Customers and Clients

Building a relationship with your target audience can be difficult. After all, it takes time to build rapport and trust. However, when you utilize personal images in your marketing plans, your target audience will instantly feel connected to you. This will make a major difference in the time it takes them to get to know you and trust you.


3.  Look Professional

 There may be a time when you need an investor or two for your business. Then there are times when you simply want people to choose you over your competitors when the need to utilize the services you offer.

In both scenarios, it is always best to look professional at all times. Including branding photography in your marketing plans is one of the best ways to leave a lasting first impression.

4. Differentiate Your Business from Your Competitors

If there are six other companies in your area offering the same services as you, there must be a way for you to differentiate your business from the rest. I always recommend utilizing photography in your marketing plans if you really want to stand out from the crowd. This is especially true if many of your competitors are using stock photography in their marketing.


5. Increase Your Confidence Levels

Even the most successful business owner will have low confidence levels on occasion. One of the easiest ways to boost your confidence level is to have a few headshots done in addition to brand photography.

I always compare this to when you were younger and needed a new outfit for the for the first day of school every year. You always felt more confident wearing the new clothes back then and branded images will give you that same confidence boost for your business! 


6. Enhance Your Social Media, Newsletter, Blog Post, and Printed items with Personal Photos

When you create a marketing plan, you are never sure exactly which direction will be best. Well, with branded images, you have the option to switch directions and still have exactly what you need to attract your target audience!

Branded images will always work well on your social media pages, newsletter, blog posts, and any printed items you create. Basically, you will have personal photos you can use to show off your business any way you desire!

These are six of the top reasons you must include photography in your marketing plan. Contact me today to schedule a time to chat and let me show you how I can help enhance your marketing plan to attract more people to your business.

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