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Tuesday, February 15, 2022
By Kelly Johnson Photography
Have you ever had the opportunity to be a guest on a podcast, write an article for a publication or speak in front of a live audience? If you have, it's a safe bet that the person or organization that invited you to speak or write, requested some type of background and contact information from you as well as a professional headshot photo. So, to locate the information, you more than likely had to go to multiple files or links on your computer, copy and paste to gather the requested information, also taking more time than you would have liked, leaving you feeling frustrated. I would like to introduce to you the Media Kit... AKA a Press Kit.
Why You Need A Media Kit...
Having a well curated & updated press kit/media kit will save you time and frustration. All of your information will be in one easily accessible place making a great first impression. It sounds more professional to say "I will be happy to provide my press kit to you." versus "yes, I can gather that information." Think of a press/media kit as a form of a resume with visually supportive details about yourself and your brand.
What Is In A Media Kit?
Here is a list of the must have items to include:
Bio: This statement should be about the problems you solve for you customers. It's best to keep the short and concise. Remember, people do business with people thy like, know and trust, then buy the brand or service. Don't be afraid to pull back the curtain and let people in to connect with you on a deeper level.
Brand Position Statement: A brand position statement pin points exactly what your company does & for whom as well as including what makes you different thus creating a niche that is unique to you. This will help set you apart in the minds of the consumers that you want to serve.
Social Media Information: This should include all the places you can be found on the inter-webs. The top platforms should include Facebook, LinkedIN, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter. Depending on your brand and target audience, you may also be on Snap Chat and TikTok. Keep in mind that you don't have to be in all the places, just be in the places where your ideal customer is hangout our and spending time.
Contact Information: How can someone reach you? Email and website information should be included here.
Photos, Photos, Photos: Did I mention photos? This where you can really make your press kit stand apart from the crowd. One of the photos to include is a precent updated headshot portrait of you. Curious to know more about professional headshot photos? Read more in this blog post >>> What is a Professional Headshot Photo . Other photos to include are business lifestyle or branding images. A business lifestyle photo could be you working with a client or doing your job. This is an "in action photo".
Additional Items To Add
Are you a blogger or influencer? If this describes you, you will definitely want to include stats on your followers with the number and any brands that you have worked with.
Awards: Have you earned any awards or certificates? This information that you could consider including.
Are you and author or have you been published in some form? Be sure to work this information in as well.
How Do You Create A Media Kit?
Creating a press kit is something that you can do, or have someone do it for you. There are several options or templates in places like Canva, Creative Market, Or Etsy. If you don't feel comfortable creating a press kit on your own, I would suggest reaching out to a graphic designer that you like, know, and trust to help you with this task.
How Do You Deliver A Media Kit?
There are a couple of easy solutions regarding the best options to deliver a press kit. The options would be to create a PDF of your information and simply email it to the person that is requesting your press kit or place your document in a Dropbox folder or other file sharing service. Choosing the latter option allows you to share the link to the folder with the appropriate person.
Investing The Time To Create A Thorough Media Kit
Investing the time to create a thorough press kit will make for easier workflows and set yourself apart from the crowd. Have this document ready to deliver when it is requested of you for your next speaking
Need an Updated Headshot Portrait or Business Photo?